If you are familiar at all with the UK, you know that when it comes to science, the Brits rock! From Darwin to Fleming, England has a phenomenal affinity with science and some of the most earth shattering advances in science were made here. The London Science Museum is yet another testament to the astonishing discoveries of humankind presented in a way found nowhere else in the world. In short, this museum is absolutely awesome. As if London itself wasn’t one of the greatest places to visit, this astonishing museum is plopped right down in the middle of it. It catapults London in to the “over the top” range of cool.

The museum is free to enter. But be aware that certain of the attractions do require (or highly recommend a reservation for a small fee). Everything in this museum is worthwhile seeing. So, since most people only have time to see a few things, here are two exhibits that totally pop!

  • Fly in a Typhoon Jet: So get this! The museum has a simulator of the Royal Air Force’s Typhoon Jet. You get to go in and take a simulated flight. The jet reaches phenomenal heights and speeds and it maneuvers you around as if you were in a real dog fight! This exhibit is beyond unbelievable; it is nearly life changing. You will have an appreciation for pilots not only of the RAF, but any fighter pilot.
  • Who Am I: This is a fully interactive exhibit with 4 discovery zones. You can see how you will look in 30 years, what your fingerprints say about you and why you are so like your parents, yet nothing at all like them.

The London Science Museum is located on Exhibition Road in South Kensington, London SW7 2 DD, and is accessible by public transportation.


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