This is a London related website, which I hope will be useful to many fellow travellers. I started writing these pages after my second trip to London and I have received valuable help from numerous friends, who have spent much more time in the city than I have.

By now, you are probably wondering what on Earth does the word “Lontoo” in my website’s address stand for. I’ll reveal you the secret; it means “London” in Finnish – the mysterious and “incomprehensible” language spoken amidst the gorgeous lakes and forests of Finland. That was the language my site was originally written in. And Finland of course, is Europe’s best kept secret; a high-tech country with one of the highest standards of living on this planet and vast areas of unspoilt nature.

Comments and questions are most welcome. I will do my best to provide an answer, unless someone of you, dear readers, manages to do so before me. Open discussion is also more than welcome.

Text in these pages has not been copied from another source, but as I said earlier, it has been translated from the original Finnish site. Therefore, this site is subject to copyright protection. Do not copy material from the pages, and if you wish to refer to some information on this site, please do so by creating a link. Printing for your personal use is of course permitted. Keep in mind, however, that unlike these pages, your printouts will never be updated.

If you wish to leave private feedback, you can send your message by email to: info(at) Otherwise, your possible comments and questions should preferably be written on each specific page. You can leave general comments about the site right on this page.


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